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Bosses are enemies faced in Slender Fortress, usually beings of horror, who hunt down the RED team relentlessly.

NOTE: Make sure that you should put their theme on the pages from this playlist. And read the guide carefully.

Types of bosses[]

Chaser Tier[]


Chasers are bosses who warp around the map and, once spotting a player, will relentlessly chase them. This happens to also be one of the most used Boss type in all of Slender Fortress - the reason being is because of how easy it is to make a Chaser Type Boss.

Grace Chasers[]

These are Chasers but instead of chasing you on sight they wait for a few seconds. People get these confused with Chargers. The difference is Chargers normally have insane speeds, unlike grace chasers. The best way to survive against Grace Chasers is to quickly get out of their sight if they see you. Like regular chases they can be outran. Grace chasers are slower than regular Chasers, but very persistent making them ideal threats if you encounter them.


These bosses are Chasers that have a higher speed then all classes. These bosses don't just outmatch you in speed but can also be quite persistent making them very hard to lose if they have the speed and the persistence. The best way to survive a nightmare boss (which is the hardest boss type in slender fortress) is to outrun it. The only way to outrun a Nightmare is to make sure you have a great distance between you and the Nightmare before it starts chasing you. You must also have a large amount of sprint otherwise there is little chance you will survive the encounter.


Survival bosses are probably the worst kinds of bosses you could come face to face with. This is because they have insane persistence, pretty fast speeds and the only way to shake them off your tail is if they find someone else or because they got stuck on something. This means they are inescapable if you find yourself in an area all alone. They do however hardly wander from their spawn point, making this boss one players try to stay hidden from.

Paranormal Tier[]


Teleporters, like chasers, warp around the map, but however they are never seen moving and instead, dash towards the player at inescapable speeds. They dash because they have no chasing animations. Usually touching them will result in a instant death. They have a devastating static effect that could also kill you from a distance if you fail to get out of the static range. The Static can be reduced by looking away from the boss.

Static Chasers[]

These bosses have an insane Static rate and they actually chase you. This is because they have a chasing animations and act like actual chasers, the only difference is the insane Static rate on them. The strategy for this boss is to get out of it's sight as fast as possible before it's static kills you and if you can stun the boss, stun them and run for the best chance of surviving. unless the boss has an Instant killing attack or a kill radius the bosses static won't kill the players when touching the boss but will kill them if the static gets to high enough.


Bosses that simply don't move but instead instant kill you on touch. The purpose of this boss is to block path for the player to go, they also tend to have an extremely high static rate on them. They are one of the easiest bosses to face in Slender Fortress. These bosses are always paired up with another boss.


Are bosses that don't actually attack you at all and are just there to make it sound like the more dangerous threat. They tend to have the same noise as that threat which will be hard to know if it's the other threat. These bosses are almost always paired up with Chargers. Some of them have static radiuses so be careful they can still kill you.

Tag Team Tier[]


these bosses are paired together, but attack as individuals, the bosses main purpose is to make the player on edge watching out for two bosses. This also makes it possible for them to spawn together and trap the player causing an instant death in most cases.


This category also is for bosses that are duplicated making it so there are multiple identical bosses instead of one. These Bosses normally spawn many of the same bosses around a group of players or one player. all though they are usually weak when alone can easily overpower players when they all gang up on them.


These bosses are similar to the groups. But instead spawn around a player when they are getting chased this makes the player very nervous because if they go down the wrong way, a boss might be waiting for them. This will also require strategic thinking so the players don't make the wrong choice and if they do they realize it before the bosses get them.

Haunting Tier[]


These bosses approach players if eye contact is broken. This can be from blinking or from not looking at the boss. This can be difficult because sometimes these bosses can spawn behind you making them hard to evade. They only make sounds when moving, these sounds comprise of stone scraping, scare cord or laughing or breathing all depending on the boss. This boss also can't kill people when being stared at. This is one of the only boss types that actually recommend you to stay in groups. The reason why is because it will rarely move if everyone is looking at it. The strategy on your own however is looking at them until you get out of the room they are in.

Look and Runs[]

There are special types of Chasers that speed up if you don't look at them. But if you look at them they slow down. This kind of boss was made so the players only way of fending off the boss is looking at it while running backwards and is recommended for losing these bosses because it will be impossible if you don't look at them.

Don't Look and Runs[]

These are special types of Chasers that speed up if you look at them. But if you don't look at them they will slow down. You can't look at this boss the whole time and survive, this is also the exact reverse of the Look and Run bosses. So as a tip for this kind of boss never check behind you and instead just wait for the bosses theme to fade away.


These bosses are similar to the look and runs. But instead looking at them only effects the bosses walking speed. This is an interesting boss type because it teaches you to look at the boss and quickly get out of it's sight before it starts chasing you.

Sprinter Tier[]


Chargers are special types of Chasers. They will "charge" at the player if in the Boss's Field of View for too long. And the definition "charge" in SF2, means they go incredibly fast, but cant walk or move when idle. It is possible to escape Chargers but it is very hard to achieve.

Blind Chargers[]

Blind Chargers are similar to regular chargers, except they have a shorter grace time then regular chargers and they have very low presistancy, making them easy to escape from if you go around a few corners. Unlike regular chargers these charges can move around slowly.

Wandering Chargers[]

They are like the regular chargers except they move around. This makes it very hard to avoid them especially if you make a noise. Most of these bosses are suprisingly slow when in chase mode. These bosses also tend to spawn with decoy bosses to make them slightly harder, but some do not.

Noise Hearers[]

This boss is like charger, but can only charge whenever you make noise so much.

Shadow Tier[]

Hit and Runs[]

These are special types of Chasers that can Teleport behind players. They usually insta-kill and can make unfair spawns to the point where the player loses all sprint. They can also spawn in rooms close by but not directly behind a wall. But to make this boss type easier they only chase for a dozen seconds and then they disapear.


These bosses are similar to Hit and Runs but with a slight difference. They spawn very close to you, like almost directly behind you. These bosses can also spawn around corners, behind walls and even in doorways making them very dangerous for players. Theses bosses also take longer to despawn making them chase you longer. The key to surviving this boss is to listen out for their sounds.


These are weird bosses. After these bosses damage you they dissapear, most of them can resemble Hit and Runs but some of them can also resemble chasers. These bosses might seem easy for some players. But they aren't because they spawn more frequently and can even spawn near you just after they attacked you making this boss some what hard.

Ranged Tier[]


Guns, guns and more guns. These bosses use guns to attack. This category isn't just because they have a physical gun with them. It's because they have a bullet attack. Bullet attacks deal weak damage, however they are the fastest attack in slender fortress which means it is very hard to dodge their attacks. This causes the damage to stack up fast. They can also attack from a further distance then that of a Chaser.


This can be confused with regular Chasers, especially Chasers with weapons mainly because they have a weapon that is meant for melee. But as the name says they throw their weapon at you. This attack can be triggered at a similar distance to shooters. Their attacks do a reasonable amount of damage and their attacks are slower than Shooters attacks.


These bosses are very unique to most ranged bosses. This is because they shoot fireballs that can cause burn damage and afterburn damage. These bosses can shoot from any distance as long as you are in their sight. Fireball speed, damage and afterburn time is dependant on the boss. Be careful if they are near you to, most of them also have a melee attack.


These bosses spit acidic saliva/vomit at the players. These bosses can't attack with melee attack and their acidic saliva/vomit attacks have to be closer than other ranged bosses but still further than melee attacks. The acidic saliva/vomit can be dodged and is one of the slower ranged attacks, just beating some of the fireball attacks. The acidic saliva/vomit attacks also do higher damage than most of the ranged attacks. The Acidic saliva/vomit doesn't do anything but like the electromaniacs is still worth mentioning. Some of these bosses can actually Insta kill players depending on the boss.


Spikers are very weird bosses. They shoot spikes at the player and can quickly melee attack them straight after shooting their spikes making this boss dangerous. The boss has to be very close to fire off the spikes, the closest out of any attack. To survive this boss stay as far away from it as possible and if you run out of sprint you are dead in seconds.

Rocket Shooters[]

These bosses can shoot rockets like Soldier's Rocket Launcher and Level 3 Sentry Gun.

Mountain Tier[]


These bosses are Giant. they will deal a lot of damage or instakill you from their size. They are very big and they could get their head/rest of their body stuck into ceilings. This also means you can most likely see them around corners before they even chase you making it somewhat easier to see them and making them easier to avoid. It is still hard to escape their attack because of their size.


These bosses aren't exactly that big but they still pack a punch like the giant bosses. They are slightly different meaning they are more wider than taller making them easily spotable around corners. But also due to their width it will also make them easier to attack you because it would be harder to get out of their range.

Spawn Tier[]

Proxy Masters[]

These are special bosses who spawn in up to 8 or more players from the BLU team to help them kill the RED team. These bosses don't attack the player unless there combined with another boss type. The amount of proxies a proxy Master can have is different every boss. These bosses can be dangerous if they are around with a lot of proxies because the boss and the proxies can trap you. It is also notable their chase Theme becomes a round Theme making it play for the whole round.


Proxies are the small bosses that are spawned in by the Proxy Master. The interesting thing about these bosses is that they are player controlled which means BLU team can assist the proxy Master in killing the RED team. Proxies may also get a rage mode which will make them faster and stronger, this Rage mode is triggered with a shriek from Left 4 Dead 2. The proxies can be different depending on which class you pick when playing proxy. They are very dangerous in groups and can even swarm players, but if alone every class is a serious threat, even a lone spy or a scout is a threat. The available proxies so far are Scout, Solider, Pyro, Demoman, Engineer, Sniper and Spy. They are the main type of bosses that can be killed.

Unknown Tier[]


These are bosses that have more than one tier tied to them. This only goes for the main boss types which are Chasers, Teleporters, Statues, Look and Runs, Don't Look and Runs, Chargers, Shooters, Hit and Runs, Giants and Proxy Masters. This makes these bosses the worst boss to go up against because they could attack you in many different ways. The way to survive these bosses all depends on what tiers those bosses have.


These bosses are the creepiest bosses. The reason for this is because they flash an image of something scary on your screen when they either spawn near you, behind you or kill you. What's worse is that it doesn't always happen instead it happens randomly. This is included on this list because the jumps cares can blind your vision. Their jump scares may scare you, therefore, meaning you will react slower. The best way to deal with them is to quickly look around then run if your certain it's behind you just run.


These bosses are very dangerous. This is because whenever they attack they will automatically face the player making it impossible to outrun the spread of the attack making the only way of escaping the attack is getting out of its range. The strategy to make these bosses easy is to just run so the boss doesn't have a chance to attack you.


These bosses like the Pyromaniacs use fire. But not by shooting balls of fire. Instead, if you look at the boss when the boss knows your position they will randomly light you on fire or they could ignite you by hitting you. This doesn't happen all the time so this also relates to the jumpscares. Afterburner damage and ignition damage varies depending on the boss, it's also very similar to the Pyromaniacs. The strategy for this boss is to play as Pyro. But if you're not playing as Pyro you will need to not look at them to avoid being ignited.


These bosses surprisingly also use fire. But they use it differently to both Igniters and Pyromaniacs. instead of randomly lighting players on fire when eye contact is made with the boss, or shooting fireballs when chasing a player instead this boss has a fire ring around it. This means that when the boss touches you. You will be set ablaze, like the Igniters the bosses damage and afterburn damage is different depending on the boss. The best option is to not let the boss touch you. (Touch not attack).

Supporters []

This bosses main attack is to put a Jarate effect on you which means that if they have an additional attack or other bosses, they get critical hits when attacking the player, making them do more damage. The best way to counter them is to not let their attack hit you.

Electromaniacs []

These bosses give off electrical pulses when they attack. This can be from melee attacks or ranged attacks, the ranged attacks shoot from a closer distance, they can't shoot from further away and are very fast and hard to dodge. This boss has the ability to shock the player with their electric attacks. This attack can also affect the players in different ways, depending on the boss they just shock you with no effects, give you an effect that slows you down, give you an effect that puts you in a loser state on top of the slowness and one that completely paralyzes you. This can also let the boss catch up to the player. How long the effect lasts, what stun type and how slow you go when getting attacked all depends on the boss.

Freezers []

This boss has the ability to slow down the player with their freezing attack. This slows the player down while the boss catches up to the player. This effect will only last differently depending on the boss and also makes the player slower depending on the boss. the best way to counter them is to not let them hit you.


Bleeders are very annoying bosses. Because when they attack you, they will make you bleed. This can mean even if you escape the boss, you could still die from bleeding out. Even Medic would need to spend some time healing himself and other players. These bosses can easily be avoided by running and not letting them attack you. This is also one of the only Boss where juking is actually a very key part of surviving that boss.


Grabbers are very interesting bosses. They function like a normal Chaser until the player gets far enough from the boss. Keep in mind the boss must see you to be able to do this. The boss will then shoot a long projectile, if you are caught by the projectile, the boss will proceed to try and pull you towards it. On top of that the projectile also damages you, the damage dealt depends on the boss. There is one way to break free. The way to break free is to get someone to stun the boss. The strategy for this boss is to dodge the projectile when it's shot.


These bosses are very hard to see and are actually transparent or translucent making them hard to notice. These bosses though like ghosts can't actually phase through walls. This boss type was listed because it is very hard to see making it very difficult in dark places. They can be spotted by their shadow on the floor which is the only visible give away that they are present, another strategy is to listen out for them, so you know where they are coming from.


This boss normally puts this effect on the player after they killed them. But if it happens when you get to hit the boss gives you a mad milk effect and extinguishes you if your on fire, which is more of a pro then a con. That fact alone makes this boss weird.


These bosses can be annoying if you're bad with navigation. This is because either when you stun them or when they attack the player they will emit smoke from themselves creating a cloud of gas or smoke that can blind the player. This boss is countered by not coming in contact with them, another way is just running when the gas is released. These can be really easy or really hard depending on your sight.


These bosses show a green overlay on your screen when they attack you. These are technically the real gasers but it also depletes your health by a small amount. The best way to properly counter this boss is by not let them hit you.

Self Destructors []

These bosses can explode themselves. These bosses are a special type of chaser that will use an explosion to kill the player. This can be in contact or after an animation.


This boss will stun the player after they successfully hit the player. This gives the player less time to escape and makes it almost a guarantee death if its stun is a long stun. The way to counter this boss is to not let it hit you.


When this boss hits you all the bosses on the map tend to go for you instead of others, kind of like the prioritization for Medic. This gives it the more common name "Marked for death" which isn't necessarily true. The best way to survive them is by not letting them get a successful hit on you.


Crawlers are very unique bosses. They are bosses that are small, so small that you might not be able to see them behind a counter. This might sound like it doesn't have a place on this list but it does. If this boss type has a stun you have to crouch and hit the boss if you want to stun it. This can also be very irritating because you might not look down making the bosses job of killing you easier. The best way to counter this boss is to just run and look near the floor to know where the boss is.


These bosses probably don't even seem like a boss type to most people. But they are worth noting on this list. These bosses have a glowing effect making them more visible or signaling their presence. This might seem like an easy boss, because, well it is. The way to counter this boss is to look for their light. If their light is moving closer to your location then run away from it. This can be really helpful because if there are many of this boss type you will know exactly where to run.


These bosses are also very unique. This boss is basically a normal boss, however, it is restrained in some way making it do less damage or go at a slower speed. The interesting thing is, if you stun this boss you will get its stun but its restriction will be removed, therefore making it do more damage or go faster. The boss will also remain like this until it despawns, then it will spawn with its restriction again. The answer to deal with this boss is to avoid stunning it unless you're unable to outrun it.

Rip and Tears[]

These bosses have no attack animations and instead kill you by touch. These bosses sound very hard and they are, not the hardest but hard. This boss type was listed because if players stick in groups these bosses will clear them out in seconds. The best way to survive these bosses is running, try your best not to go into dead-end rooms because there is very little chance of you juking the boss or coming out of that room alive.


These bosses are very similar to Facer bosses. They don't face the player however their attack will always hit the player no matter what. Just don't let it catch you because if it does catch you. You're dead meat so what ever you do stay as far away from this boss as humanly possible.


These bosses are very hard and have an ability which is extremely dangerous. This ability is the Smite ability which causes lightning to strike the player when they are hit killing them instantly or in some cases just damaging them. The way to counter this boss when facing them is to stay away from this boss at all times.

Oil Spillovers[]

They are very similar to the spitters except their effect is leaving a black tar-like substance on the floor. This boss can splatter the floor with the liquid if they're attacking a player or when they spawn or despawn.


This boss can create shockwave which can cause knockback to other players.


They're boss that will place traps down randomly when they are wandering around. These traps can capture the player and deal some damage and a bleeding effect as well as holding them in place. Players can, however, hit the trap to free the player or disable the trap if there is no trapped player in the one the player hits.

Neutral Tier[]


These bosses won't attack unless the player looks at them, this also means that the player needs to be in their vision as well. This boss can charge or chase depending on the bosses. The obvious way to avoid this boss is to not look at the boss at all costs.


These bosses like Peakers won't attack you. They will only attack you if the player gets in range of it. The player needs to be at a close distance depending on the boss, and the boss must also see the player for it to give chase. This boss can charge or chase depending on what boss it is. The obvious way to avoid this boss is to not approach it at all costs.

Others Tier[]


These bosses don't intend to be serious or scary and are an overall joke. Whether either due to the origin, or due to either sounds, stats, texturing, animations, or model. Usually, they retain their original looks from where they originate from.

Hidden Placeholder[]

The Hidden Placeholder are added in each pack that is intended to fix an issue where sometimes the first boss in the pack will be never be chosen to spawn if all of the bosses in the core profile has been removed from the random rotation, this boss is not intended to spawn and as such will be barely aggressive and will spawn far away from players or not spawn at all regardless of the conditions. It will also have the second boss in the pack as a companion in case it does happen to spawn in for whatever possible reason.

Suggested Boss Types[]

NOTE: If you have any random boss idea, go to this wiki and make up your own boss whatever you want.


This boss type is very similar to the Restrictor boss type. The differences are that the boss will be extremely angry, this will also trigger a long stun another difference is all of their stats will change. Making them faster, stronger, more persistent and in some cases, they won't give you time to escape their sight. The boss as a calm boss and will rage randomly or when it has been stunned. It is possible for them to become calm again but this will mean you need to keep it busy enough for it to become calm. The best strategy for this boss is to run and not stun it unless it's a last resort. This goes for the Enraged & Calm Fleshpounds, Goliath and George Romero since they have their unused rage animation.

Flash and Runs[]

These bosses are similar to hit and runs but with a very big difference. They spawn in front of you instead of behind you. This counts on the player to make a very fast decision by either running past the boss or turning around and running away. Like Hit and Runs, they disappear after a few seconds. The best way of trying to survive this boss is by stunning it and running and that's only if it has a stun, by turning around and start running or by running past it and running until it despawns.

Reverse Statues[]

It is basically like Don't Look and Run, but they don't move or attack you when you're not looking at them. This is mostly for Fleshers.


This boss has the ability to beam the laser at the range. Rumor said that this attack originally once belong to the scrapped Dalek boss of the LRG server. This attack could also hit multiple players. For example, if a laser shoots a player it might or might not Instakill the player, depending on the boss. But it could also damage players behind the player that was shot. Creating a piercing effect.


This boss has the ability to infect players. Unlike Bleeders that will make you bleed, Infecters attacks will make you get an infection. This can mean even if you escape the boss, you could still die from contagious infection, resulting in either death or turning into proxies (Proxies can also infect players, too). This type could possibly goes for SCP-008-1 or SCP-049.


These bosses are very unique. This is because when this boss gets closer to you they will pounce you putting you in a state similar to the grabbers state. They will damage the player when they have pounced on them. It is possible to dodge the pounce as well which will set it back into chase mode, this also activates the pounces cooldown. This can be avoided if the player doesn't let this boss get close to them. This boss type also has a melee attack for when the pounce is in cooldown mode. This is for the Left 4 Dead 2 Hunter.


These particular bosses have special ability to latches on to players and forces them in certain directions. This also has a cooldown like the Jumpers and Riders will also have a melee attack when in cool down mode. This may goes for Left 4 Dead 2 Jockey, ReDead and Gibdo.


These bosses breathe fire like Pyro's Flame Thrower. This could be useful for the Panzer Soldat because it has a flame thrower. Gargantua can also use this attribute.


A boss that can make exclusive allies appear during a pursuit. The King FleshPound can have this ability with QuarterPounds or the Matriarch with E.D.A.Rs.

The Skeleton King can summon Skeletons as if they functions like how they does in Hellfire.


A boss that does not directly attack players but instead relies on staying very close to players to "drain" their HP, about 3-4 seconds HP is drained. It can't drain HP if the player and the boss are between a wall/structure. The Doctor from DbD could be given this ability.


A boss that can "cast" spell projectiles on players. Tor, Merasmus, and the Shas can have this ability.


A boss that tries to stay quiet making it hard to know if it's nearby, they still make sounds but can be hard to hear. Kate can already have this ability as well as the Huntress from DbD.


Similar to Trappers with beartraps but instead of placing beartraps they can place fake team supplies that when picked up can stun and make a noise to alert the boss or other bosses. They can't place fake supplies of the class if no reds are present with the proper class (like no fake bonks if there's no scouts).


When this boss sees the player it will shut the player's flashlight instantly in contact similar to the non-Glubbable Mama Tattletail boss from other servers. Possibly goes for Balloon Boy, but mostly, Weeping Angel.

Knife Throwers[]

This boss type ironically has the "ability" to randomly throw knives at the player and causing them to bleed for a second. You thought a new type of boss will have this, but it was him, DIO!

Land Mine Planters[]

This boss type is very similar to the Trapper boss type, but with land mines. They're boss that will place mines down randomly when they are wandering around. These mines can detonate the player and deal heavy damage and cause gib explosion. This type could be useful for Yoshikage Kira/"Kosaku Kawajiri" and his Stand, Killer Deadly Queen.

Decoy Jumpscare and Deathcam[]

This attribute is where the boss jumpscare you after they get you, but does not kill you. This is basically fitting for the Phantom Animatronics.

Jumpscare after many hits[]

This method is where they damage you, and after that, they kill you. This can be fit for all, but not many, of Specimens from Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion.

Snake Sliders[]

This type would likely be use for Specimen 3.

Hornet Shooters[]

This attribute is for Alien Grunt.

Stealth Tier[]


These bosses disguise as people and they walk in a grid pattern once disguised sometimes they will follow you or just look at you and reveal their actual form and chase you. When they kill you they either take your form or either disguise as another person.

"Look At Me" Frauds[]

These bosses are like Frauds but they will only reveal their actual form and chase you once you look at them.

Insivible to everyone, but you[]

These bosses are invisible to everyone, except the player who will be Marked For Death.

Flight Tier[]


The name explains it all, these bosses flies around the map and usually spawns on big-spaced maps.


These bosses are like the jumpers, but they jump really high and works as antlions flying / jumping.

Flying charger[]

These bosses "charge" at the player when they're flying and they sometimes have more speed than the other chargers.

Insect Tier[]

Light attractive[]

These bosses go faster when you face them with your flashlight or they go much closer, but the good thing is that you can use this to distract the boss by using your flashlight in a random location which makes them follow the light and then stops moving for 2 seconds. Although this trick would sometimes not work since some bosses can notice / realise you.

Head rippers[]

These bosses usually insta-kills by ripping off their heads and spits them off or eats them, these can make them more faster by each head taken off much more like the eyelanders abilities.


These are very small bosses that has low damage, they are very hard to notice since they have a very small size. They usually rapidly attack the player or bleed them. They can be stunnable or even killable, and these are very fast bosses. They are very easy since they have weak damage (possibly 1 damage).

Voodoo wasps[]

These bosses are like infectors but you do not play as a proxy and the bosses control the infected, which is pretty unique.

Blood suckers[]

These bosses jump on the player and suck their blood and stay on them for a while, they are usually small bosses and they can be killable / stunnable. This mostly fits for the Facehugger.

Other Tier[]


All items (339)
